What are our goals? What do we stand for?

Our mission

WEB focuses on jobseekers and employees from the Kempen region and neighbouring regions who need intensive support in finding and maintaining sustainable and quality jobs.

WEB offers coaching, training and workplace learning. For those who cannot (yet) access the regular labour market after an intensive counselling process, WEB creates additional employment opportunities.

WEB works intensively with companies and organisations from the region to this end. WEB supports them in finding and retaining suitable employees and developing an inclusive company.

Our goal

WEB focuses on those groups who find it difficult to connect with the labour market. WEB offers them tailor-made support to take steps towards the labour market. The starting point for this is the participation ladder, in which WEB tries to guide them to the most appropriate and highest possible level.

Our core values:

The following core values are the starting point for all the activities we develop: